Jonathan Richcat and Modern Meowers

Hiss ‘n’ purr with the Modern Meowers (feline homage to Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers)

Bands, Cat Covers, Illustrations

As discussed previously, Jonathan Richman rules my world. On the principle that he’s just a big blouse of happy, I even started my own version of 100 days of happy with #100daysofJonathanRichman on Twitter to celebrate how good he makes me feel.

And so a cat cover was long overdue. This cover is already quite cartoonish to start with, and it just felt right. Now go listen to “I’m a little dinosaur’, ‘hey there little insect’ or maybe a bit of “Icecream man’ – treat yourself!!


Here’s the original…



An amazing album, treat yourself to some happiness, and purr away the blues!



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Karuski is the nom de pencil for me, Katherine Mengardon - I am a fan of all things 1960s, CAKES, obscure indie pop bands, children illustrations, bad puns and cats. Any spare time goes towards baking mad cakes, drawing families and catified musicians. Find me here too:

4 thoughts on “Hiss ‘n’ purr with the Modern Meowers (feline homage to Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers)”

    • Thank you! I am an unabashed Jonathan Richman modern lover – check out #100daysofJonathanRichman on Twitter for more 😉


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